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Writer's pictureRodney Westerlaken

The Jodie O'Shea children fund

We are proud to announce that Westerlaken foundation / yayasan Bali Bersih has received funding to set up and manage the Jodie O'Shea children fund.

Jodie O'Shea tragically died as a result of the Bali bombing in 2002. In her memory the Jodie O'Shea house was established.

In 2020 Westerlaken foundation / yayasan Bali Bersih partnered with Jodie O'Shea house to implement Child Safeguarding Policies and reunification practices.

The Jodie O'Shea children fund pays for education for reunified children. Reunified children used to live in Jodie O'Shea House and are, in line with Indonesian laws and international views, now living with their parents with support. With this fund we work on Sustainable Development Goal 4: Quality education.

A number of children has a supporter who pays for educational needs and support. This fund is meant for children who are reunified and do not have a personal supporter.


The fund focuses on the education of 24 children in the school year 2021/2022.

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