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Writer's pictureRodney Westerlaken


Westerlaken Foundation (in Indonesia represented by Yayasan Bali Bersih) has been given the opportunity to run the HIV/AIDS in cooperation with Bali Kids and the Stop Orphanages program supported by Neba Foundation and Wilde Ganzen which donated the amounts of IDR 800,000,000,- needed for the programs.

In the HIV/AIDS Program, we will operate a mobile clinic that will go to villages in collaboration with local health centers. The mobile clinic aims to provide medical check-ups to children in the village. In addition, we will run an education programme about HIV/AIDS to children and parents. We plan to run the mobile clinic once the Indonesian Government decide to release the level of Covid-19 restriction when Covid-19 cases decrease.

In the Stop Orphanages Program, we are intensifying the reunification process and advocate to stop orphanages. Reunification is the return of children, who are in the care of a child care institution, to their parents or family with the aim that the child will receive protection, care, and permanent care status.

Westerlaken Foundation and Bali Kids are very happy to have the opportunity to help children who live in the villages, and underprivileged children living in orphanages. Big appreciation to Neba Foundation and Wilde Ganzen Foundation for all of their support.

We are sure that these programs will have a big impact for children in Bali.

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