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Survey in West Bali for Whale Encounters

Friday (11/03), Westerlaken Foundation/ Yayasan Bali Bersih conducted a survey in the west of Bali. This action is a follow-up to the whale stranding incident some time ago at Pasut Beach, Tabanan, based on information we received from local fishermen who saw two whales (presumed to be Bryde's whales), the same type of whale that was stranded on Tuesday (22/02). Westerlaken Foundation/ Yayasan Bali Bersih together with local fisherman, Pak Gede, cruised along the West coast of Bali area to investigate possible whale sightings. After about an hour of boat ride equipped with binoculars and cameras, we had our first whale encounter swimming about 25-30 metres away from the boat, enough to get a good look to identify the species. The whale is at least 10 metres long and their dorsal fins, body shape and beak resembled Bryde’s Whales’. We stayed for a while to appreciate the company of the whales before deciding to head back. While observing, we adhere to the international whale watching code of conduct.

It was a very successful survey and the result exceeded our expectations. At the end of the day we saw at least 7 Bryde’s Whales in the area. Local fishermen reportedly encounter a pod of dolphins in these waters too.

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