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Our Lembata mission has started!

Our emergency relief program in Lembata has started. Over 2 days time we will meet 100 families impacted by the effects of the cyclone. These families lost literally everything, and now (three months after the cyclone) still struggle to find suitable drinking water and do not have electricity, while lock down measures for covid-19 do still excist. We want to thank Neba foundation for the funds to run this program, Sahabat Penyu Loang team (specifically Pak Bala) for all the logistical help, Social Impakt for ongoing support in the preparations of this mission and for having such a problemsolving product, Bali Kids for making covid-19 books available (we created this book together with Bali Kids and Bali Children Foundation and just launched and updated version), Christin Hadjon for legal help, and Bali Support for supporting funds!

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