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Writer's pictureRodney Westerlaken

More help is needed..

The Indonesian government has announced that all commercial flights are suspended till the 1st of June. This means that we now have a date to focus on till when our help is needed.

As the issues regarding the immediate decline of tourists arriving on the island will not be solved on the 1st of June (even though the government predicts that Chinese tourists will start arriving again after the 1st of June) we plan to continue our work till the 15th of June for now.

As transparency in what we do is of much importance to us we hereby would like to show our current update in our needs.

We are planning to help 3 area's. Bitera (started April 13, weekly distributions), Penatih (starting this week) and Ubung (starting next week).

Till the 15th of June this means that we hope to provide the following aid:

Bitera: 10 times 100 packages (2 runs done, next run on 27-4)

Penatih: 8 times 100 packages

Ubung: 7 times 100 packages

total: 25 times 100 packages = 2.500 packages.

Every package costs 50.000 rp, meaning that we need a total of 125.000.000 rp (approx 7.500 euro).

At this moment we have fundraised 53.500.000 rp. through Go Fund Me. We have a commitment for 400 packages (20.000.000 rp) and commitments of donations till the 15th of June (monthly and singular) of 8.500.000 rp. total: 82.000.000 rp (1.640 packages).

We still need funding for 860 packages (43.000.000 rp / approx 2.580 euro).

Please keep helping us, we need it.. (click the image below)..

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