According to the police, the arrest of the suspected perpetrators and their evidence is based on information from the public in Melaya. Based on the information involved police and government conducted an investigation. On that day, Thursday afternoon around 16.00, thirteen Green Turtles were discovered.
Photo through Bali Tribune
The head of BKSDA Bali reacted that these turtles were accommodated without documents, which means they were taken from the wild. Because Green Turtles are protected animals, turtles with documents are meant for safekeeping, discovery, injury, hatching, or temporary care.
The turtles were found with the two front fins tied together using string strings so that the turtles could not move and were watered every time.
The case reminds us again of the lively green turtle trade in Bali. Only two weeks ago a truck crashed on Sunset road carrying eighteen green turtles, all marked on the shields, just like these turtles.
All thirteen turtles are taken care of in the turtle center in Perancak, Yayasan Kurma Asih.