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A Stranded Dolphin on Tembles Beach, Jembrana

Today, Thursday, April 27 2023, a female bottlenose dolphin/Tursiops truncatus (suspected) with a length of 2.63 m, girth/body circumference of 146 cm, and weighing around 200 kg stranded on Tembles Beach, Jembrana. Residents found the dolphins on the beach at 09.34.

BKSDA Bali Resor Jembrana, PSDKP Pengambengan, Bhabinkamtibmas Desa Penyaringan, Kepala Desa Penyaringan, Babinsa Desa Penyaringan, Polair, Yayasan Jaringan Satwa Indonesia, and Yayasan Bali Bersih have handled the dolphins on-site.

Yayasan Jaringan Satwa Indonesia team, assisted by Yayasan Bali Bersih and PSDKP Pengambengan, conducted a necropsy, and at 14.30, the dolphin were buried.

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