Disasters, such as volcanic eruption, flood, tsunami, and earthquake have heavily damaged public facilities in the affected areas. Especially, water canals and wells that buried by soil and ashes. So that, the water access been cut off. The community have to consume and use the rain water to survive.

Many elderly and children get skin disease and indigestion after using the rain water. Most of them are impoverished. To get hygienic water, they have to pay much money that they don’t have. In fact, some seller sell the hygienic water up to hundreds of thousands rupiah for just a bucket of water.

#Donors, let’s help people in the affected areas by doing mitigation to handle the hygienic water crisis. The donation will be directly given in the form of hygienic water, water filters, and reservoirs for each family.

You can donate through the link below :
Besides praying and donating, you can also share this fundraising page so that more and more people will help relieve aid for disaster victims in Indonesia.