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Writer's pictureRodney Westerlaken

Publication: COVID-19 influence on the Balinese society

Westerlaken foundation is actively funding emergency relief efforts of Yayasan Bali Bersih. Actively providing food only is not the only solution. One needs to know what people need, what people think and how people react. What is needed at what point, how do people rebuild their future, what other problems arise?

Yayasan Bali Bersih does ongoing research in the needs of the people of Bali during the COVID-19 crisis. This research entails indigenous Balinese, as well pendatang, those coming of other islands but who are residing in Bali.

By doing research into this crisis and the needs and problems of people it is possible to make a proper assessment of those needs and problems and to be ready for the next crisis.

The research will be repeated until the Covid-19 crisis is finished. The results in this report are based on the first round of questionnaires, executed in August / September 2020, six months after the crisis started and the second round of questionnaires in February 2021, one year after the first COVID-19 case in Indonesia (which was announced on March 2, 2020). This sequence of six months will be reiterated until completion. Ultimately results will be compared to a research executed in 2003 focusing on the effects on the Balinese society after the first Bali Bombs. The research is set up as similar as possible as earlier mentioned research, so comparisons can be made.

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